Personally I am speaking little or if you want introverted, the fact is that usually change fast issue and talks about everyday problems I find difficult to cope with, because they add stress to my anxiety. Paying attention for some time is difficult, the mind seems to wander without asking permission and only compass that there is to correct this seems to be a repetition of slogans and patience to try to sustain the interest. When visitors come I salute and participated in the talks for a short time but invariably after seeking solitude and I feel with my thoughts in a place nearby, as taking energy to re-join the group. This attitude is not impolite but a simple mental respite, fortunately understand because they know of my illness. Maybe sometimes I saturating conversations because I feel I have nothing to contribute and hence the silences or parsimony of words. The simple act of paying attention for some time is difficult, it is to do a task or follow instructions.
As for the routine treatment house help as I can but at a slower pace, unless you have an attack of hyperactivity motivated by an unexpected joy that is a matter of necessity. Sometimes I feel that others walk super fast and I react in slow motion, but do, I do everything that is within my reach.
It becomes problematic live with us also by frequent changes of mind that we suffer. We went from sadness to joy almost a snap or what is the same, because we receive a word of encouragement or reproach.
Also plays against the fear of being alone, those around us do not understand us or get tired of having a schizophrenic charge: we are like big kids who can not defend themselves on their own in many areas. This emotional dependence as economic puts us at a distinct disadvantage against our fellow man.
Anyway the sense of worthlessness sharpens unable to contribute financially to the costs and it becomes difficult to feel good in these circumstances. The truth is that no one chooses ill and we and our family have to know the symptoms to cope in the best way possible coexistence.
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