In general fear of the unknown, the situations which pose new problems, but there are specific fears: heights (vertigo), enclosed spaces (claustrophobia) or open spaces (agoraphobia), to be rejected, flying, to relate (social phobia) etc.
As feel fear is in our DNA is that why we are born crying, as if sensing the dangers of the world to lean out?
The neurotic fear evaluated by others something you have to do and imagine the worst consequences. This irrational fear is present in our disease with more intensity, to the point that sometimes we become zombies, paralyzing us up for the simplest acts as asearnos or go outside. Fear is fear itself. We fear both face a situation which not only avoided but for a few days were petrified, his mind circling the subject as a labyrinth without finding out or imagining the worst scenarios (like taking pills to rest forever).

How do we get out of this alley? The truth is that there is no recipe. Each has its own time and resources. If we are alone it is practically impossible to break the invisible fence of fear. We need the Other to see the light at the end of the tunnel or what is the same thing for a believer: have hope, no matter how small things can change for the better. I say this based on an experience years ago and marked me much deep depression. I left leaning on certain religious beliefs, but it took me months because I was in complete solitude. It is known that medications and professional support of a psychologist or psychiatrist help to overcome it, but nothing is as motivating as the support of the most significant things, whether family or friends, it is with them that we stand up and take the first step . Moving about is what allows enclose them overcome fears or unconscious somewhere at least. We need the other to leave the pit because fear attacks when we have low defenses. Asking for help is perhaps the most appropriate recipe, do not you think?
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