Friday, 8 April 2016


Usually when you want to extend the memory of someone, we use that phrase has a memory like an elephant. That memory would allow among other things, leave the herd and go to a certain place die when their time comes.
But there is another aspect that highlights a story by Jorge Bucay. A boy visiting a circus see a huge elephant chained to a small wooden stake and asks the obvious question: why is chained ?, so that it will not leak tell you, but seeing the size difference between the animal and the stake follows that it would be easy to tear the ground why not ?, because it does respond trained him and the child retorts: and if amaestrado why tie it? Receives few consistent answers, until someone tells him when he was little tied him to the stake and the elephant tried to break free again and again, kicked, pushed, pulled and sweated until he was tired of trying and one day accepted his fate . After growing up he no longer tried again, because in his mind the idea that I could not break free was recorded.
That happens sometimes with people. If we inculcate something small, then it is very difficult to believe otherwise. We are like trained elephant, convinced that we can do nothing to change our future. I guess in many childhood traumas that we carry in the sense of the futility of our actions are based. It is a clear misconception, but both hear "you're a good for nothing" and phrases like that, you end up convinced that they are true and little battle gives life. Hopefully the bad memories do not condition us as much as the elephant and despite the difficulties, try to always be free to decide when.

As a poem by Mario Benedetti says:
Do not give up, there's still time
to reach out and start again,
accept your shadows,
bury your fears,
release the ballast
return flight.
Do not give up that life is that ......


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