When he pulled the alarm at home were the seven o'clock. Paul had to get up first, plug in the coffee pot, wake up after his wife, Sophia, then their children, Pablito and Marta. It was a normal working day. He was going to leave home a little earlier to avoid the traffic jam on the highway. Sofia would take care of dressing and take the children to school. Today was a special day for Pablito: it was hiking the park, with its class of fourth grade, to know something more about the nature (the kid had talking about the excursion days). Nobody could take that would head a snake or find a spider the size of a paper ball.
Marta, yawning and spurts between two smaller añitos Paul, rose slightly less excited, she did not expect such a day as interesting as the day his older brother and the illusion of going to school was somewhat less intense.

The day began normally in the office, had a position with some responsibility, was the storekeeper. In his office all orders were to bring Don Pablo guarantee or otherwise of his companion Don Julian. Both got along, had never had any problems and when they were occasionally appeared blip and solvable.

Back, Paul liked to hear the news that morning did not have time to read the newspaper and the news of the two he became aware of what was happening in the world. But the news did not understand all that well. He focused his attention - "Last time; a school bus, has had an accident in the vicinity of Seville, auun the causes and the condition of the wounded are unknown ". time stopped, it was the bus of the Salesians, where he studied Pablito and Marta. A Paul at the time was his heart stopped.
Paul in the morgue wearing a black suit, white shirt and black tie. Sofia was entirely dressed in black. A Martita had left him with parents Sofia, wanted everything out the least traumatic for the sweet creature.
The words of each condolences, - "I go with the feeling," - "No somos nadie" ... sensory channels blocked Paul, becoming man floe. He was not crossed his mind as Sofia was only felt that more was colder, more duro.La feeling of not being able to express, not to mourn, not to go crazy for a few moments ... wondering why.

But reacting, focused and localized, knew very well I was in a funeral home, the white coffin was Pablito, the snake and spider like paper ball.
More floe man turned as friends and relatives left flowers in front of the tombstone where the name and dates inscribed Pablito.
From then change their relationship with their environment, Sofia hardly attended her, Martha did not treat her with love and tenderness that you used to and not like a child who had lost his older brother and had a lot of questions to ask your dad.
He had changed in character, in the morning, but left before he did not take to jam the highway, did not put the station 80, preferred silence. Paul began to lose the sense of life, it was banal and monotonous.
That tragic day, on the bus, they were burned him and Pablito, that tragic day floe man was forged.
Black pen
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