Monday, 7 March 2016


Do not stop flying your dreams, do not stop hover over them, do not let anything or anyone tell you you're a crumb; reveal yourself, take a chance, the world of prejudice, of closed minds is nothing more than a nightmare. Build a house on the inside when you just say "I am" and become stronger each time. What you are hit fades over time and do not live as missing. Take a break to find in the desert or lost in the noise of a big city. No matter where you transport yourself with your heart to another dimension of perspective and you will see how it is easier to live. If you ever feel you can not continue to hold on to the good times because they always come others. Mourn for negligence does not benefit anyone even you. Do not let you stop interference or not you feel worse for others. You are unique and explosive. You are everything and nothing around where you are.
Your hands are building the world because they are clawing with his paws force you reach. Release suitcase self-pity. Choose live from the opportunity to repeat yourself ad nauseum mettle as a treasure that does not know how many secrets of magic is hidden. Hear the echo of your voice and your misery reborn as a flower in spring, let it ring free heart and always look forward. The calendar is in your favor, not against. Evolve, give roulette of feelings; not exist to settle if not to fight and hit a bite to life. Toll strip suitcase and walk without luggage. Call feelings and transform them. Throw the trash and clear your world. Do not attack your life, slows the pain and change the station.FLOAT Transforms the dynamics of bad luck; misery is only for cowards: Destroy the bad, cut from the root, destroying the pillars of your curse and build new ones to continue.
Times the deserts full of memories; in my covered time I find new visions and my daydreams, in the "tick tock" of the hours I grow up and the sound of the cry cries to drag them to another location away from me, that does not reach my will. 
In those moments of freedom flight and when I close my eyes to around I'll be dead, because damage cover you with patches, to better know the travails and discover there different ways to look in the mirror before defects. barefoot I leave my be because there I find the seed that grows while having roots. And when I can no longer simply rest because the dead hours also awaken. When I'm alive. But after not being there will be no place to wake up. In my childhood lost through the years, I remember seeing kids smile ... I become them for a moment and then I understand that every path is different. But it is as if they were one and understand that too was like them. I get angry when I lose but I keep winning because I have before my energy, my dynamite and only then understand that we are not so different.


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