"That all life is a dream and dreams are dreams". So said Calderon de la Barca in the monologue Sigismund of life is a dream, we might consider a history of psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud.

In the monologue obrase clearly speaks of conscious and unconscious dreams dreams. The former have when we are awake. The others do not control and pass the time asleep during sleep. When we are awake we can dream what we want or we can according to our intellectual abilities and our personal ambition. We could put the example of television programs where each contestant is asked what he would do with the prize of the contest. all sorts of things are heard: travel, pay off the house, help the people closest, etc ...
In the dream consciously we aspire to everything, but the reality is responsible for turning our dreams into something tangible. Much depends on the personal will of each, the effort that is put in the effort. I, for example, had dreams of being a writer. I had to lose many things, give up as many to be, today and took eleven books published.
I had to implement numerous ideas to be conscious writer, put as much effort in my dreams appeared unconscious images of my capacity as a writer of much desire he had to be.
Unconscious dreams are not governed by our will, but can clearly influence what we are thinking just before sleep or obsessions we have throughout the day or the events live during it.
The subconscious is a storehouse of reasons to dream. We can dream we are flying and that reflect our fear of flying, our panic to fly and see that we can. The subconscious to the conscious helps to live, to overcome old problems. We are birds that move elegantly through the air without any fear of falling.

The subconscious is always about a volcano eruption. We dream that we are in a cemetery looking at the grave of our parents and we feel guilty because life did not give them the love we should give them. The subconscious takes us to the cemetery, to the fictional death in the dream world to repent of the bad things we've done in life. And although we have feelings of guilt finally we feel relief because we can rectify belatedly personal conflicts we had with our parents. The subconscious helps us. It's above us because it is out of our control, but the benefits are very clear.
Sigmund Freud helped his patients through the interpretation of the dream world. They came to your inquiry full of pain and out relieved that someone had given her interpretation to your dreams. These often beyond our understanding and we feel desolate, abandoned by fate itself, left hand of God. This one is often uses as pseudointérprete of dreams through the path of faith or simply through the path of impotence. God can not interpret our dreams. We can believe, dream of God, think and to feel that God relieves us, but he can not interpret our dreams.
The subconscious can be dissected by a good psychologist, either with direct treatment with patients or through writing books that talk about the subject of dreams. There is much written about dreams and their interpretation literature. And with practice we can become the best interpreters of our own dreams. To do this we have to know well our conscious and have a great emotional balance not to get carried away by the dream world and all the weight that occupies in our lives.
As an example of conscious dream we can put the famous phrase that begins the no less famous speech of Martin Luther King: "I have a dream". I have a dream, the dream of seamless integration between blacks and whites. He had no unconscious dream about it. He felt the need for such integration and for that invented what unconscious dream to make clearer picture of their purposes. Unfortunately he was killed and his dream vanished. Not dependent on his will, but he fought with all his strength to give my life for that dream.
Freud talked about the differences and similarities between the subconscious, the unconscious and the conscious. The subconscious is the part where dreams more clearly hidden. The unconscious lulls dreams, as if they were traumatized. It is the most painful part of dreams, where outcropping the toughest dreams like a bridge between reality and subconsciousness. And the conscious, which is the waking state, we live in a way that affects the unconscious and the subconscious. But this reality is not one-way, but two, as all true communication.
Living is hard, dreams can help us live or feel more miserable. Daydreaming is one of the most used expressions in real life. We all do. We all aspire to something we do not have. Often unconscious dreams make us a lot of damage and we woke up suffocated, afflicted with anxiety and distress. They are beyond our control. But paradoxically also conscious dreams are out of reach of our will because the eternal conflict between reality and desire, between reality and dream arises. Dreaming is easy. Living the dream come true is much more difficult. But we all have the right to dream. Sleep is free. And the unreal dreams are free in themselves. They live for them although we give many hints of attention and we indicate alarms about our real life.

Perhaps all life is a dream, but it sure as dreams are dreams Calderon said. But I do not agree that everything is dream. I think that free will greatly influences our lives. Live and dream, that could be our motto, but here fit all possible interpretations and conclusions, if we consider that each person is a dream in itself.
I have not written this article. I have dreamed of and has only gone to paper or computer. It has been a dream come true that has passed through my hands up white sheets. My whole life is a dream, but I woke up to read it. And I like. I hope you do too.
Jose Cuadrado Morales
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