Suicide is not always a definitive solution to a temporary problem. There may be a terminal disease and believe that someone wants to end his life because he left a short time. In fact a few days ago I saw on television a girl with an advanced and inoperable brain cancer that had foreseen his death for a given day, but that day they had taken it in good spirits and eager to smile. That day had love for life and did not want to commit suicide. Well that is all about: taking time and patience to overcome suicide because when you least expect may arise the desire to continue living. If you kill you, it is already impossible.
Years ago, when I was a regular lecturer, used to give lectures, including one titled Why writers commit suicide? It can be extrapolated to other topics suicide than writers perfectly. For example: Ernest Hemingway, Nobel Prize for Literature, killed himself because he was diagnosed with cancer and thought he could no longer lead the life with the same vitality with which he had led until then. It was a permanent adventurer. He participated in the Spanish Civil War as a war reporter and out came his novel For Whom the Bell Tolls ?, of which became a movie with Gary Cooper. Ernest ran in the San Fermin festival, ie risked his life when he was healthy, but knowing of his illness was not able to have the courage to face it and shot himself in the mouth with a shotgun. The lack of vitality led him to death.

Then there is the Kawabata Japanese who committed suicide by excess people, the opposite of Pavese. He was very quiet writing, but when he was given the Nobel her house was filled with people. They kept coming journalists to interview him. Continually they took photographs. He had lost the main thing for him quiet to write. That he could not bear and took his own life, I do not remember if the traditional Japanese method.
We in the example of Spain Mariano José de Larra, who committed suicide basically for two reasons: because in Spain they could not implement liberal ideas and a love failure. He could have lived in another country with liberal ideas and could have overcome the failure of love as did Antonio Machado with the death of his young wife. He lacked love for life, finding positive outlets suicide.

There are many cases of suicide writers. With what I have written is enough. They lacked love for life and left thereof afraid to live in a way they did not want. The mentally ill often they think about suicide. In fact, as I said a psychiatrist, it is normal that mental patients think about suicide. A friend of mine bothered him that the psychiatrist told that that phrase, but it's a reality. mental disorders and suicide are linked. But you have to get all the will in the world and all the love for life to go on because sooner or later overcome the bad times.
Juan Ramon Jimenez and said life is what gives meaning to death and not death that gives meaning to life. We must be grateful to life for having the chance to enjoy it, although it is not always as we want and although sometimes live a true calamity. Juan Ramon had more than enough reasons to kill himself, but always had the help of his wife Zenobia, which survived two years. But also he puts much on your part when not yet had and when was lucky to share.
I think everyone some time we have thought about suicide for very different reasons: a breakup, a depressive crisis, etc ... The reasons for suicide are many and no one can discuss them because each one is. For many people it is a cause of suicide job insecurity and indeed it causes more deaths because people feel useless and reach a high level of despair.

The hard part is staying afloat, fighting to live. As Tim Robbins said in the excellent film Shawshank Redemption "all depends endeavor to engage in live or die." He insisted on the film live and for decades planned and prepared the escape from prison and the consequent happiness. We must be patient with the problems and know how to face them to move forward. Must be given an opportunity to life for evil we are. And I tell you that I have lived terrible moments with depression and anxiety, I lost my parents, I have experienced a divorce with a small child and so on.
Is suicide an act of cowardice? I do not know. Each case is unique and each can feel different in the critical situation of suicide. The truth is that suicide is the end. We do not give more opportunities to try to fight. We close all doors. And the sad thing is that the number of suicides is growing every year, more so in the more developed countries, this may involve a contradiction.

We must love life above all things. She puts us problems ahead, but also solutions but not always at the exact time when we need them. We must take patience, it achieves everything.
I have met many frustrated suicide and all regret having tried, which is symptomatic. They have discovered thanks to the suicide attempt the true love of life. It is already known that there is an ill wind that blows no good.
If someone reads my article and I ask is desperate patience and faith, a new opportunity to continue to live, to discover the little desire to live and continue pulling forward. It's possible. And death will come alone. Do not be hurry to die because it is a safety. Health and luck.
Jose Cuadrado Morales
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